Wednesday 9 April 2014

Exam preparation tips~ Katey-Anne

Hey Their,
Exams can be the most stressful time in our life's and I thought that instead of reading it from a middle aged person who totally doesn't understand what we are going through, it may help even one person to here it from someone in the same predicament, so here are a few of my top tips!

1) Know when your exams are:

Having a printed timetable of when your exams are is the most vital thing you need, it helps you to prioritize and plan your revision and for me it was the kick up the bum I needed to see that I had very limited time left until my first exam, eek.

2) Clear out a work space:

Having a well lit spacey and airy place to work in really can motivate you on those early morning starts, it helps you to get your mind in gear away from all the distraction of the phones and TV's etc..

3)Get the right tools:

Having the correct books to look through can make it so much easier to know where to start!

4) Highlight and underline all your notes:

Going over your books from the last two years and finding key points to revise will make it much easier and less time consuming to revise!

5) Take breaks:

Remember to only concentrate on one thing for half an hour otherwise your brain loses interest and remember to continue to eat and drink throughout the day as this will keep you awake and help you retain more information!

6) Organize your time:

your time is so precious but that does not mean you have to spend it all revising get out and see your friends or take the dog for a walk (or even start a blog!)

Useful Revision tools:

Well I hope you enjoyed this rather dull subject matter haha
Leave me a comment on how you revise?
love Katey-Anne